Thursday, July 10, 2014

Hidden in Plain Sight

Hidden in Plain Sight:

During the past couple of years, I have found some new LDS Friends, and one of the things that we like to discuss is all of the hundreds of different things that God hides in plain sight where NOBODY can see them.

The truth of Multiple Callings and the truth of Multiple Elections is self-evident and is hidden in plain sight where NOBODY can see it. The truth of these things is actually hidden within the definition for the words themselves.

What's a Calling? Well, it's a calling in the Church of Jesus Christ or in the Kingdom of God here on this earth, same thing. We are born into certain callings, and God issues us other callings. Is it possible for God to give a man or a woman more than one calling in the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Let's take Moses for an example. What Callings did Moses have?

Well, Moses was a husband, a father, a brother, and a son. Those are callings that we usually inherit through family relationships, but they are indeed callings from God, because God is the one who assigns us to our families and makes us responsible to them.

Moses was also a Dispensation Head, a Prophet of God, a Seer, a Revelator, the President of the Melchizedek Priesthood for the Church of Jesus Christ, the Deliverer, the Gatherer of Israel, and a Miracle Worker.

So, what's an Election? An Election takes place whenever God decides or elects to give a person a gift that the person can only get from God. Can God give a single person more than one spiritual gift? Can God give a single person more than one Blessing? Can God give a single person more than one talent? Well yes, God can obviously do these things. So, if an Election is a gift from God, or a blessing from God, or a talent from God, can God give a single person more than one Election? Can God elect to give a single person more than one gift or Election? Certainly, because God can elect or choose to give any one of us anything He wants to give to us. Right within the very definition of an Election resides the proof that God can give us Multiple Elections.

The Elections are typically harder to identify, because we aren't looking for them.

So, what were some of the Elections or Gifts that God gave to Moses?

Well, we know that God gave Moses a physical body. That is a gift or an Election that Moses could only get from God. God also gave Moses some kind of fore-ordination.

There are indications that some Elections, Gifts, Endowments, or Keys were given to Moses at the Burning Bush. Endowments of Power and Priesthood Keys are Elections or Gifts from God. God doesn't give them to just anybody. God gave Moses a spokesman, Aaron.

We know that God gave Moses the Melchizedek Priesthood or the Oath and Covenant of the Priesthood. That is an Election or a gift that Moses could only get from God. A Priesthood assignment or a Priesthood Calling is sometimes seen as a gift from God, although some of us choose to see these things as a curse from God instead. Many people have told me that they see their LDS Church calling as a Gift from God. Callings help us to make our next Election Sure.

I wasn't able to find direct evidence that Moses was given or promised Eternal Life, but I assume that he was. Eternal Life is a gift or an Election from God.

D&C 14: 5-8:
5 Therefore, if you will ask of me you shall receive; if you will knock it shall be opened unto you.
6 Seek to bring forth and establish my Zion. Keep my commandments in all things.
7 And, if you keep my commandments and endure to the end you shall have eternal life, which gift is the greatest of all the gifts of God.
8 And it shall come to pass, that if you shall ask the Father in my name, in faith believing, you shall receive the Holy Ghost, which giveth utterance, that you may stand as a witness of the things of which you shall both hear and see, and also that you may declare repentance unto this generation.

We each receive a Call to keep the Commandments of God. As Latter-day Saints, we each receive a Call to build Zion.

Eternal Life is a gift or an Election from God, something that a person can only get from God.

I assume that Moses was given the gift of Eternal Life based upon the fact that it was Moses who appeared to Joseph Smith and Oliver Cowdery in D&C 110 and transferred or gifted Keys to Joseph and Oliver. Keys of the Priesthood are an Election or a gift from God. God only gives them to the people that He wants to give them to. God is very selective about whom He gives His Keys to.

The Holy Ghost or the gift of the Holy Ghost is an Election or a gift from God that we can only get from God.

Declaring Repentance is a Calling that we each receive after God has elected to give us the Holy Ghost as our constant companion.

When Jesus Christ offered to give the mortal Nephites any Gift or Election that they wanted, what did they ask for? They asked for the Holy Ghost. Interesting, don't you think?

The Truth of Multiple Callings and Multiple Elections is hidden in plain sight all throughout the LDS Scriptures where NOBODY can see it or understand it.

We assume that Moses was also sealed for time and all eternity to his wife, which is another Election or Gift that we can receive from God.

There's another Election or Gift that Moses received, a very special Election. Can any of you think of what it might be?

Moses was translated.

Being translated is a Gift or an Election from God, and only a relatively small number of people are actually translated. Again, this is an Election or a Gift that a person can only get from God. You are not going to be able to go down to the corner store to buy it. It can only come from God.

I noticed that there was one person on LDS Freedom Forum who periodically seemed to imply that he had been translated. Of course, it is impossible to verify such a claim without getting our hands on the person, which God wouldn't take kindly to whether the person was translated or not.

I was reading an apocryphal book, and they were talking about John the Revelator or John the Beloved; and, the people around him were trying to kill him but they couldn't kill him. I think they tried to throw him into a furnace, but it had no effect. The one I really remember is where they tried to cook him alive in boiling oil; but, they weren't able to kill him that way either. Apparently, they couldn't crucify him. So, what could they do with him in order to get rid of him? Well, they stuck him out on the Island of Patmos and just left him there, where he couldn't cause any trouble or stir up any contention. He was banned from the forum or banned from the society. He was exiled.

So, what Election or Gift from God had John the Revelator received from God? The man had been translated. What Election or Gift from God had Moses received? Moses had been translated.

All throughout the LDS Scriptures hidden in plain sight is the proof of Multiple Callings and Multiple Elections being issued to a single person. Take any Prophet you want, examine the man in detail, and you will see that the man wears multiple hats or has multiple Callings; and, the man also starts to accumulate many different Gifts or Elections from God as well. By magnifying his Callings, the Prophet slowly convinces God to give the man another Gift or another Election. An Election made Sure by God opens a New Door to additional talents or Elections and to additional Callings.

The Divine Pattern of it all is witnessed or evidenced within the LDS Scriptures and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. There's a lot more to the LDS Church than meets the eye. Some of the really great Elections or Blessings are hidden in plain sight where NOBODY can see them. Can you tell by looking at a man whether he has been translated or not? Can you tell by looking at a man whether he has had any of his Callings or Elections made Sure?

The LDS Apostates start with the assumption that NONE of the LDS General Authorities have had any Callings or Elections made Sure. But, can you really judge such a thing just by looking at the man or hearing him speak? The evidence of their Callings and Elections having been made Sure is hidden in plain sight where NONE of us can see it, unless the Holy Ghost reveals it to us.

I hope this input will be useful to those who are willing and able to receive it and accept it. I couldn't see it or accept it until after I was ready for it. I couldn't even find it until after I had found some LDS friends who were willing to teach me about it.

I also hope that I haven't stepped over the line anywhere and revealed something that God doesn't want me to reveal. If I have, I ask God's forgiveness and your forgiveness.

Best of luck to each of you,

Mark My Words

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